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Practice Management Software for the SOHO Lawyer


This software organizes everything in your practice. Calendars, to-do lists, deadlines, and documents are all controlled through a single interface.  People and companies are easy to find, simple to reach on the phone, with a letter, or by email.  Various products are available.

Amicus Attorney is my  choice. If you haven't used PM software, you have a treat in store. Here's how it works.

You want to think about settling the Smith v. Allstate case.  You have a good idea on values, so it's time to do something about it.  Amicus is open all day, so you just click on the Smith file.  Each person involved in the file is listed.  Click on the client's name, and you have his contact information instantly.  Click on the phone number to call, or on the email link to send mail. You can take notes on the phone calls which are automatically posted to the correct file.

The adjusters, opposing counsel, experts, lay witnesses are all listed there, too, along with key dates, notes, offers, and demands.  Amicus keeps track of your time as you make phone calls and draft letters.

Interested?  Get a free 30 day trial. Play with it for a while. I was frankly amazed when I first tried it out. After the 30 day trial expired, I could not imagine going back to the old way.  Amicus is like computer legal research -- it can change your life for the better.  Click the Amicus graphic to see more.


Once you get hooked, decide which version of Amicus works for you.  The basic version, Organizer, does not link to timekeeping programs, but is very inexpensive.  I opted for the fancy, networked version, but wish I just had Organizer.


While you're cruising, check out Amazon.com's computer book department.  They are taking orders on a new Amicus book.  Try the search box, see if it works.

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